Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Interview Types - Part 12: The Follow-Up Interview


Companies bring candidates back for second and sometimes third or fourth interviews for a number of reasons. Sometimes they just want to confirm that you are the amazing worker they first thought you to be. Sometimes they are having difficulty deciding between a short-list of candidates. Other times, the interviewer's supervisor or other decision makers in the company want to gain a sense of you before signing a hiring decision.

The second interview could go in a variety of directions, and you must prepare for each of them. When meeting with the same person again, you do not need to be as assertive in your communication of your skills. You can focus on cementing rapport, understanding where the company is going and how your skills mesh with the company vision and culture. Still, the interviewer should view you as the answer to their needs. You might find yourself negotiating a compensation package. Alternatively, you might find that you are starting from the beginning with a new person.
Some tips for managing second interviews:
  • Be confident. Accentuate what you have to offer and your interest in the position.
  • Probe tactfully to discover more information about the internal company dynamics and culture.
  • Walk through the front door with a plan for negotiating a salary.
  • Be prepared for anything: to relax with an employer or to address the company's qualms about you.


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