Community Service Resume Template
Kathy Baughman
511 South 6th St.
Tampa, FL 33672
(216) 555-2168
A position in a progressive, community service oriented organization, which will utilize my knowledge and experience.
Employment History
1999 - Present Associate Director
Greater Tampa YMCA, Tampa, FL
Expanded program opportunities by 75% while the new YMCA building
was under construction by using schools, churches, and other public
facilities, interviewed and hired all program staff, managed association's
first staff evaluation procedure, restructured and improved the YMCA
sponsored 10K Henry Thorton Run, initiated the association's first
successful Youth Basketball Association. Additionally, worked in all
areas of public relations.
1992 - 1999 Activities Director
John Shook Home, Tampa, FL
Organized, coordinated, and scheduled activities for a geriatric population
of two-hundred patients, including individuals with a wide range of mental
and physical capabilities. Responsible for hiring Activity Leaders, coordinating
volunteers, and balancing the yearly activities budget.
1992 B.A., Sociology & Literature
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
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